Medical for pilots and the requirements. Height requirements, weight requirements, wearing glasses, being color blind or having diabetes. In this article, I discuss what a Class 1 medical consists of and cover all of the medical requirements to become a commercial (airline) pilot. This article is based on the EASA and FAA regulations. Keep in mind that any flight schoolContinue reading
Tag: Airline Pilot
Top 10 Airline Pilot Travel Hacks and Tips
Airline pilots travel all over the world and they know all the in’s and out’s regarding travelling, packing suitcases and airports. Today I share my top 10 airline pilot travel hacks with you. 1. It all starts with the right suitcases and bags. Travelling light and efficient is one of the quickest ways to make your life super easy whileContinue reading
Pilot Salary – How Much Do Airline Pilots Earn?
How much does an airline pilot earn? Is it worth it to take an expensive pilot loan in order to become an airline pilot? These are some of the most asked questions I receive. In this article I will answer these questions and tell you everything about the real pilot salary of an airline pilot. I would like to startContinue reading
What It Is Like To Be A Female Pilot
Am I being treated differently because I am a female pilot? Or did I ever had to prove myself because I am a girl in a men’s world? As a female airline pilot, I will share my thoughts and experience regarding this subject. For all the girls out there, keep reading! What I did before I became a female pilotContinue reading
How to pass the flight school selection process? – This is how you do it!
The flight school selection process and how to ace it! Most flight schools require you to pass their selection process before starting the training. This is actually a good thing because the schools try to determine early on if the candidate is actually capable of completing the training. They also look for desired competences since they want to train aContinue reading
Engine failure on a twin engine aircraft, what is it like? Q & A – Part 4
Questions & Answers – Part 4… it’s here! Have I ever had a turnaround time of less than 25 minutes? What is it like to fly a twin engine plane after an engine failure? Can planes land automatically? And do you need to have experience with an airport before flying there? I received these questions per email and Instagram and today IContinue reading