There are many different pilot bags available. Pilots use their bags on a daily basis and that is why it’s crucial to buy a good one. I noticed there a few aspects which are important when it comes to choosing a pilot bag that suits your needs. In these reviews I explain these aspects and give you my recommendations.
Some books will make your life so much easier. The same counts for pilots (in training) ? The article below is about some of those pilot books and I can’t wait to share them with you! They will help you understand aviation related topics, prepare you for checkrides and your first airline interview!
Nowadays it is pretty hard to find sunglasses that can be used during the daily flight operations, right? Besides quality you are also looking for the perfect fit and sturdiness. Fragile sunglasses are an easy victim in the harsh and unforgiving cockpit environment. This article serves as a guide to get you through the endless possibilities of models and options.