Math & physics and their significance in aviation. Is it important to know how to calculate? Everyone uses a calculator when things need to be calculated, right? And do you actually need to understand physics when you are piloting an aircraft? I received tons of questions about math and physics. It seems there is still a lot of uncertainty about thisContinue reading
Tag: Integrated
Become An Airline Pilot eBook – Bestseller
On the 18th of June 2018 I published my Become An Airline Pilot eBook. During the last 18 months it became apparent that it’s loved by many! We received awesome feedback and thought an article about the eBook was long over due. So, are you dreaming of becoming an airline pilot but don’t know how to achieve that goal? IContinue reading
What It Is Like To Be A Female Pilot
Am I being treated differently because I am a female pilot? Or did I ever had to prove myself because I am a girl in a men’s world? As a female airline pilot, I will share my thoughts and experience regarding this subject. For all the girls out there, keep reading! What I did before I became a female pilotContinue reading
How to pass the flight school selection process? – This is how you do it!
The flight school selection process and how to ace it! Most flight schools require you to pass their selection process before starting the training. This is actually a good thing because the schools try to determine early on if the candidate is actually capable of completing the training. They also look for desired competences since they want to train aContinue reading
LPE – This is why the English language is important!
English, does it really matter? Is it important to have an average understanding of the English language when you are piloting an aircraft? I have received tons of questions about the English language and the LPE test. It seems there is still a lot of uncertainty about this subject so allow me to enlighten you. The quick answer Yes &Continue reading
The Airline Selection Process – ADAPT Test
The ADAPT Test, what is it? Why is it important? As an ab initio you should know as much as possible about this test and in this article I will explain you why and what to expect. It might mean the difference between passing a selection process and failing it. Probably you have heard about the Compass Test. It isContinue reading